Studies, consulting and design in the geotechnical and geological field.
Geological technical studies
- Geological, geomorphological and hydrogeological surveys and data reporting on digital maps
- Geostructural surveys and analysis of rocky outcrop
- Analysis and processing for the geotechnical and geomechanical characterization of soil and rocks
- Stability analysis of natural slopes and excavation faces
- Investigation and monitoring plans during design and construction phases
- Preliminary and detailed design of underground works (tunnels, caverns, wells and foundations)
- Preliminary and detailed design of safety measures and stabilisation of slopes and excavation
- Analysis and identification of excavation methods for underground works, dimensioning of the TBM and establishing of advancement procedures (PAT)
- Analysis and identification of optimal design solutions in technical-economic terms with respect to tunnel construction bids
Applied Research
- Analysis and industrial research on innovative systems in the geoengineering field
- Design and dimensioning of prototypes
- Pre-competitive development of innovative systems and applications
- Experimentation and testing
Assistance during construction
- Tunnel excavation face surveys and re-verification during construction of actual geotechnical characteristics of the underground formations
- Analysis and interpretation of the investigations and monitoring data
- Geotechnical assistance for the adaptation of the excavation methods and support of the underground works during construction
- Supervision services of investigation surveys, monitoring activities and geoengineering construction works
Geoengineering activities are carried out by GD Test in cooperation with GEODES srl.