CNS Sarmiento
Soterramento de la linea Sarmiento - Tramo Caballito-Moreno
El Soterramiento del Ferrocarril Sarmiento en su trayecto Caballito-Moreno es un proyecto de ingeniería que encara el Estado Argentino en l...
Gozo Citadel
Geotechnical engineering consultancy and execution of ground investigation works and installation of a related monitoring system in relation to the consolidation of fragile terrain underlying the bast...
Restoration works of the Charmaix Viaduct at Modane (France)
Installation of an automatic monitoring system for slope stability control .
High capacity railway Torino - Lione
Pilot tunnel "La Maddalena".
Installation and management of a monitoring system for the control of the highway structures along the Clarea valley.
Railway high speed Monaco-Verona
Brenner base tunnel. Pilot tunnel "Periadriatica" and other works.