rope access

Laboratorio terre
Laboratorio terre

Rope access works

Thanks to a dedicated team of rope access technicians, , GD Test ensures operational capability even in challenging access contexts, both in natural and artificial sites.

some advantages:

  • Combining technical expertise in the fields of Geology and Civil and Environmental Engineering with specific rope access skills within the same work team;
  • Flexibility to operate in otherwise hard-to-reach sites compared to traditional access systems;
  • Time and cost savings compared to scaffolding or elevating work platforms rental.


MINISTERO DELL'INTERNO, COMANDO PROVINCIALE DEI VIGILI DEL FUOCO DI GENOVA, UFFICIO FORMAZIONE E DOCUMENTAZIONE, NUCLEO SPELEO ALPINO FLUVIALE: «Lavori temporanei in quota con l'impiego di sistemi di accesso e posizionamento mediante funi - manuale addetti e preposti», giugno 2008