Audio-magnetotelluric investigations

MTU-5C - geophysics 4.0 

We have renewed the equipment for carrying out audio-magnetotelluric investigations by acquiring the new MTU-5C 5-channel electromagnetic receiver manufactured by Phoenix Geophysics Ltd (Canada).

The audio-magnetotelluric investigations are based on the study of the natural variable electromagnetic field and allow to define the geological and hydrogeological assets through the acquisition of resistivity profiles of the soil at high depths (up to 1 km) by operating from the surface on limited spaces and in challenging morphological conditions. Depending on the target to be identified, the survey can be performed to obtain a 2D or 3D model of the subsoil.

After 12 years of experience on important and challenging survey sites in Italy and abroad with the predecessor MTU-5A, we decided to take a further step in the direction of technological and digital transformation with the smart upgrade of the system. MTU-5C is not only new and with superior performance characteristics but it is particularly simple to configure on the ground and allows remote interconnection and control of both setup and data quality.

The instrumentation is compatible with AMTC-30 sensors which are used for AMT data acquisition and are capable of providing high quality magnetic data with frequencies between 10000 Hz and 1 Hz (natural signal) and between 10000 Hz and 0 , 1 Hz (source controlled signal).

The geophysical software used with the MTU5-C (ZondMT2D) system was designed and developed for the two-dimensional interpretation of magnetotelluric (MT) data in the MT, AudioMT and RadioMT frequency range